Running an array of SS3 jobs on Hera


Nicholas Ducharme-Barth

Megumi Oshima

Last updated


Similar to the array_lm example, this example also sets up running an array job on Hera. As before, we will use a *.txt to indicate which directories we want to run jobs in as a part of our array.

There are a few main differences that serve to illustrate useful modifications to the workflow:

The hera/ss3 example can be set-up either by cloning the repository git clone, or stepping through the following code:

Coding alert!

Note: throughout this tutorial we are using User.Name as a stand-in for your actual username and NMFS/project_name as a stand-in for your project. In all cases, replace User.Name with your actual user name and NMFS/project_name with your specific project name.

1 Build software container

Software containers allow for portable, reproducible research by allowing researchers to set-up a software environment to their exact spefications and can run it on any Linux system. The Apptainer container system is widely used across HPC/HTC systems, and makes it easy to build a container from a definition file. Running a job within a container means that you are able to replicate an identical software environment in any location with Apptainer installed, no matter the native operating system, software and installed packages. The Apptainer container can be built from any Linux machine with Apptainer installed, including the Open Science Grid (OSG) access points. Here we walk through the steps needed to build a Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) container containing Stock Synthesis (version, R (version 4.4.0) and the R packages r4ss, ss3diags, data.table, magrittr, and mvtnorm from a definition file, linux-r4ss-v4.def. In this case we will show the steps needed to build the container using the OSG access point as our Linux virtual machine (VM), though this may not be needed if working from an alternative Linux VM.

Coding alert!

Note: you will have to change apXX to match your OSG access point (e.g., ap20 or ap21).

The first step is to log onto your OSG access point via ssh using a Terminal/PowerShell window and make a directory to build your container in. In this case, we are creating the directory singularity1.

mkdir -p singularity/linux_r4ss

Using a second Terminal/PowerShell window, navigate to the directory that you cloned the NSASS-HTC-HPC-Computing repo into and upload the definition file (linux-r4ss-v4.def) to the directory you just created on OSG.

scp apptainer/linux-r4ss-v4.def

Back in your first Terminal/PowerShell window manoeuvre into the directory, and build the container2. The second line of code is what builds the Singularity Image File (.sif) and takes two arguments: the name of the output .sif file and the input definition file (.def).

cd singularity/linux_r4ss
apptainer build linux-r4ss-v4.sif linux-r4ss-v4.def

Using the second Terminal/PowerShell window, download the Singularity Image File (.sif) so that it can be uploaded for use on the NOAA Hera HPC system.

scp apptainer/

2 Setup data inputs and directories

Given that our example is to run a 4-year retrospective analysis for each of the SS3 test models, the next step is downloading the SS3 test models from the nmfs-stock-synthesis/test-models Github repo. Once you’ve downloaded the test models, copy the models/ directory into a new example directory ss3/inputs/ within the NSASS-HTC-HPC-Computing/examples/hera/ directory on your machine. If you cloned the NSASS-HTC-HPC-Computing repo, the SS3 test models will already be in the correct location.

For the sake of example the job array will be set-up to run each retrospective peel (e.g., -0 years, -1 year, … , -4 years of data) as individual jobs in the job array. This is more efficient in a true HTC environment such as OSG however on Hera it could make more sense to bundle the initial model run and subsequent retrospective peels as a single job. We will store the results of each retrospective peel in its own directory. The directories on Hera will be listed in a text file, and we will use this text file to launch jobs on Hera (as a part of the job array) in each of the named directories.

Let us define that text file using R.

  1. Define a relative path, we are starting from the root directory of this project.
Show code used to define relative paths.
proj_dir = this.path::this.proj()
hera_project = "NMFS/project_name/User.Name/"
  1. Write a text file containing the full path names for where the directories will be on Hera.
Show code used to define job directory structure.

# replace '-' with '_' in model names since we will use '-' as a delimiter
        test_models_new = gsub("-","_",test_models)
        rename_models_idx = grep("-",test_models,fixed=TRUE)
        for(i in seq_along(rename_models_idx)){
            # create new dir
            # copy files
            # delete old dir
            # file.remove(paste0(proj_dir,"/examples/hera/ss3/inputs/models/",test_models[rename_models_idx[i]],"/"))
            shell(paste0("powershell rm -r ",proj_dir,"/examples/hera/ss3/inputs/models/",test_models[rename_models_idx[i]],"/"))
        test_models = test_models_new

# define scenarios
scenario_df = expand.grid(model=test_models,peel=retro_peels)
scenario_df$run_id = 1:nrow(scenario_df)
scenario_df = scenario_df[,c(3,1,2)]
scenario_df$run_id = ifelse(scenario_df$run_id<10,paste0(0,scenario_df$run_id),as.character(scenario_df$run_id))

# write text file
hera_dir_lines = paste0("/scratch1/", hera_project, "examples/ss3/output/", apply(scenario_df,1,paste0,collapse="-"), "/")
writeLines(hera_dir_lines, con=paste0(proj_dir, "/examples/hera/ss3/inputs/hera_job_directories.txt"))

3 Prepare job scripts

During benchmark testing, issues were identified when trying to apply an HTC workflow to Hera, and a seperate workflow was developed which may be more Hera/Slurm appropriate. This takes advantage of the gnu parallel utility to run batches of jobs on distinct compute nodes. In this particular example 90 models will be run across 3 nodes each using 30 CPUs, and we will set the maximum run time to 1 hour. This reserves the entire node for computations thus reducing the competition for resources for any one job3. In order to execute this workflow, instructions are coordinated using four nested scripts:

  • This script prepares files for Slurm job execution, makes the directory structure specified by hera_job_directories.txt, specifies the job requirements and submits the parallel jobs.
  • This is a script that defines variables to be passed to the software container and a second bash script
  • This wrapper script controls file input/output to and from the R script ss3-example-calcs.r, executes the R script, conducts job timing and tidies up the job working directory.
  • ss3-example-calcs.r: This is the actual computation script which modifies the SS3 input files as needed, executes the appropriate SS3 model run and conducts any needed post-processing of the output within R.
Coding alert!

In you will need to change the following before you upload and run the script:

  1. Line 20-22: change account project_name to the name of your project. If you are using the NOAA htc4sa project, it would be htc4sa.
  1. From within R, compress the ss3/inputs/ and ss3/slurm_scripts/ directories as a tar.gz file upload.example-ss3.tar.gz. This simplifies the number of steps needed for file transfers.
shell(paste0("powershell cd ", file.path(proj_dir, "examples", "hera", "ss3"), ";tar -czf upload.example-ss3.tar.gz inputs/ slurm_scripts/"))

4 Hera workflow

  1. Connect to Hera

Open a PowerShell terminal and connect to Hera. This terminal will be your remote workstation, call it Terminal A. You will be prompted for your RSA passcode, which is your password followed by the 8-digit code from the authenticator app.

ssh -m -p22
  1. Create directories

In Terminal A navigate to the project directory on scratch1 and create some directories. If using a shared directory such as htc4sa/, make a directory to save your work within this directory (.e.g., User.Name/). Change your working directory to this directory, and make a directory for the current project examples/ss3/4.

# navigate to project directory
cd /scratch1/NMFS/project_name/
# create new directory
mkdir User.Name/
# navigate into new directory
cd User.Name/
# create directory for SLURM scripts and logs
mkdir -p examples/ss3/
  1. Transfer files

Open a second PowerShell terminal in the NSASS-HTC-HPC-Computing directory on your machine. This will be your local workstation, call it Terminal B. Use this terminal window to upload via scp the needed files (examples/hera/ss3/upload.example-ss3.tar.gz and apptainer/linux-r4ss-v4.sif) to Hera. The upload.example-ss3.tar.gz will be uploaded to your directory within the project directory on scratch1. Make sure your VPN is active when attempting to upload using the DTN. You will be prompted for your RSA passcode after each scp command. Note that you will need to specify the MAC protocol needed for the scp file transfer similar to what was done for the initial ssh connection using scp -o

scp -o examples/hera/ss3/upload.example-ss3.tar.gz
scp -o apptainer/linux-r4ss-v4.sif
  1. Prepare files and submit job on Hera

In Terminal A, un-tar upload.example-ss3.tar.gz, change the permissions/line endings for slurm_scripts/ and execute the script.

tar -xzf upload.example-ss3.tar.gz
chmod 777 slurm_scripts/
dos2unix slurm_scripts/

After job submission you can check on job status using squeue -u $USER or you can use the following for more detailed information.

# count the number of output files (End.tar.gz) that have been produced
find . -type f -name End.tar.gz -exec echo . \; | wc -l
# list the size and location of all of the End.tar.gz files
find . -type f -name End.tar.gz -exec du -ch {} +
  1. Download jobs and clean-up workspace

Once all jobs are completed (or the job has hit its time limit), use your Terminal B to download your jobs.

scp -o -r examples/hera/ss3/

Lastly in Terminal A, clean-up the /scratch1/NMFS/project_name/User.Name/ directory since it is a shared space.


Make sure that you have verified that your jobs completed successfully and that all results have been downloaded before cleaning-up the directory.

# move back up a level in the directory structure
cd ..
# delete the ss3/ directory
rm -r ss3/

5 Process results

After results are downloaded they can be processed in R to extract the model run times, time series of estimated biomass for each model run, and Mohn’s rho across retrospective peels for a given model ‘family’.

Show output processing code
# iterate over output files and extract quantities

output_dirs = list.dirs(paste0(proj_dir,"/examples/hera/ss3/output/"),recursive=FALSE,full.names=FALSE)
ssb_dt.list = comptime_dt.list = as.list(rep(NA,length(output_dirs)))
ss_output_list =  as.list(rep(NA,length(output_dirs)))
names(ss_output_list) = output_dirs

for(i in seq_along(output_dirs)){
    tmp_model = strsplit(output_dirs[i],"-")[[1]][2]
    tmp_peel = as.numeric(strsplit(output_dirs[i],"-")[[1]][3])
    tmp_index = as.numeric(strsplit(output_dirs[i],"-")[[1]][1])

    # check if the End.tar.gz file got created
        # get snapshot of original files in the directory
        tmp_orig_files = list.files(paste0(proj_dir,"/examples/hera/ss3/output/",output_dirs[i],"/"))

        # un-tar if the End.tar.gz file gets made
        shell(paste0("powershell cd ", paste0(proj_dir,"/examples/hera/ss3/output/",output_dirs[i],"/"), ";tar -xzf End.tar.gz"))

        # check if runtime.txt was produced and extract output
            tmp_time = readLines(paste0(proj_dir,"/examples/hera/ss3/output/",output_dirs[i],"/runtime.txt")) %>%
            gsub(".*?([0-9]+).*", "\\1", .) %>%
            as.numeric(.) %>%
            comptime_dt.list[[i]] = data.table(id = output_dirs[i])    
            comptime_dt.list[[i]]$index = tmp_index
            comptime_dt.list[[i]]$model = tmp_model
            comptime_dt.list[[i]]$peel = tmp_peel
            comptime_dt.list[[i]]$hera_start = as.POSIXct(tmp_time$time[1],origin="1970-01-01")
            comptime_dt.list[[i]]$hera_end = as.POSIXct(tmp_time$time[2],origin="1970-01-01")
            comptime_dt.list[[i]]$hera_runtime = tmp_time$time[3]/60

            # clean-up

        # if "ss_report.RData" is produced put it into the storage list
            ss_output_list[[i]] = ss_report

            ssb_dt.list[[i]] = ss_report$derived_quants %>%
                .[Label %in% paste0("SSB_", ss_report$startyr:ss_report$endyr)] %>%
                .[,id := output_dirs[i]] %>%
                .[,sbo:=Value/subset(ss_report$derived_quants,Label=="SSB_Virgin")$Value] %>%
                .[,yr:=sapply(Label,function(x)as.numeric(strsplit(x,"_")[[1]][2]))] %>%
            # clean-up

        # clean-up
    } else {
        comptime_dt.list[[i]] = data.table(id=output_dirs[i],index=tmp_index,model=tmp_model,peel=tmp_peel,hera_start=NA,hera_end=NA,hera_runtime=NA)
        ssb_dt.list[[i]] = data.table(id=output_dirs[i],yr=2023,sbo=NA)

    # clean-up

comptime_dt = rbindlist(na.omit(comptime_dt.list))
ssb_dt = rbindlist(ssb_dt.list) %>% merge(comptime_dt[,.(id,index,model,peel)],.,by="id")
ss_output_list = na.omit(ss_output_list)

# adjust times to account for the fact that model 79 did not finish within the 1 hour allocation
comptime_dt$hera_start[79] = comptime_dt$hera_start[80]
comptime_dt$hera_end[79] = comptime_dt$hera_start[79] + 60^2
comptime_dt$hera_runtime[79] = 60

# save

# calculate Mohn's rho
unique_models = unique(comptime_dt$model)
retro_dt.list = as.list(rep(NA,length(unique_models)))

for(i in seq_along(unique_models)){
    tmp_model = unique_models[i]

    retro_dt.list[[i]] = data.table(model=tmp_model)
    retro_dt.list[[i]]$type = c("SBO")
    retro_dt.list[[i]]$rho = NA

        tmp_dt = ssb_dt[model==tmp_model]
        base_dt = tmp_dt[peel==0]
        year_vec = max(base_dt$yr) - 1:4
        bias_vec = rep(NA,length(year_vec))
        # calc Mohn's rho for runs where all models completed
        for(j in 1:4){
            bias_vec[j] = (ssb_dt[model==tmp_model&peel==j&yr==year_vec[j]]$sbo - base_dt[yr==year_vec[j]]$sbo)/base_dt[yr==year_vec[j]]$sbo
        retro_dt.list[[i]]$rho = mean(bias_vec)

retro_dt = rbindlist(retro_dt.list)

5.1 Job runtime

The 90 jobs run on Hera completed 4.15 hours of calculations (2.77 minutes per job) in an elapsed time of 1 hour.

Excluding the job that timed out at the 1-hour limit the 89 jobs run on Hera completed 3.15 hours of calculations (2.12 minutes per job) in an elapsed time of 14.48 minutes or \(\sim\) 13 times faster (Figure 1).

Show plotting code

p = comptime_dt_minus %>%
.[,.(id,hera_start,hera_end)] %>%
melt(.,id.vars="id") %>%
.[,variable:=ifelse(variable%in%c("hera_start"),"start","end")] %>%
dcast(.,id~variable) %>%
.[order(start)] %>%
ggplot() +
xlab("Time (GMT)") +
ylab("Job") +
geom_segment(aes(x=start,xend=end,y=id,yend=id),color="#003087",alpha=0.5,linewidth=2) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = "black", linetype = "solid"),
            panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
            panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),  
            strip.background =element_rect(fill="transparent"),
            legend.key = element_rect(fill = "transparent"),

# save plot
  plot = p,
  device = "png",
  path = paste0(proj_dir,"/assets/static/"),
  width = 8,
  height = 4.5,
  units = c("in"),
  dpi = 300,
  bg = "transparent")
Each line indicates a job, with longer lines indicating longer run times.
Figure 1: Start and stop time for jobs run on Hera, excluding the job that timed out.

6 Example results

6.1 Retrospectives

Retrospective plots of static biomass depletion for the SS3 test models are shown in Figure 2.

Show plotting code
text_dt.list = as.list(rep(NA,uniqueN(ssb_dt$model)))
for(i in seq_along(text_dt.list)){
    tmp_dt = ssb_dt[model==unique(ssb_dt$model)[i]]
    tmp_min_yr = min(tmp_dt$yr)
    text_dt.list[[i]] = data.table(model=unique(ssb_dt$model)[i],yr=tmp_min_yr,sbo=0.2,rho=round(retro_dt[model==unique(ssb_dt$model)[i]]$rho,digits=2))
text_dt = rbindlist(text_dt.list)

p = ssb_dt %>%
            ggplot() +
            facet_wrap(~model,scales="free_x") +
            xlab("Year") +
            ylab(expression(SB/SB[0])) +
            ylim(0,NA) +
            geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
            geom_path(aes(x=yr,y=sbo,color=as.character(peel),group=id)) +
            geom_text(data=text_dt,aes(x=yr,y=sbo,label=rho),size=3,hjust = 0) +
            viridis::scale_color_viridis("Peel",begin = 0.1,end = 0.8,direction = 1,option = "H",discrete=TRUE) +
            viridis::scale_fill_viridis("Peel",begin = 0.1,end = 0.8,direction = 1,option = "H",discrete=TRUE) +
            theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = "black", linetype = "solid"),
            panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
            panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
            strip.background =element_rect(fill="transparent"),
            legend.key = element_rect(fill = "transparent"))

# save plot
  plot = p,
  device = "png",
  path = paste0(proj_dir,"/assets/static/"),
  width = 8,
  height = 4.5,
  units = c("in"),
  dpi = 300,
  bg = "transparent")
Colored lines depicting the Stock Synthesis model fits to the testing model suite examples. The lines depict the depletion in spawning biomass over time. The colors correspond to the different retrospective peels that were fit in this example. The plot displays a variety of trends from these models.
Figure 2: Depletion estimates across retrospective peels from the Stock Synthesis testing model suite examples. Mohn’s rho values are printed in each panel.
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  1. This directory can be named anything that you like, in this case singularity is a legacy name from an earlier version of the code written before Singularity changed its name to Apptainer.↩︎

  2. This may take ~10-15 minutes depending on how long it takes to install R packages.↩︎

  3. While this workflow leads to better scheduling and makes HTC applications possible on Hera it may not be computationally efficient if users do not make use of all CPUs on a given node. For example, given that an entire compute node is requested, the user’s allocation on Hera will be billed for use of all CPUs on that node even if not all are in use.↩︎

  4. Note that this path should match the path defined in hera_job_directories.txt.↩︎