Operationalizing available research computing resources for stock assessment
Nicholas Ducharme-Barth & Megumi Oshima
Research computing is the collection of computing, software, storage resources and services that allows for data analysis at scale.
In our particular case we are interested in leverging research computing to augment stock assessment worflows.
Run more/bigger models in less time
Improve efficiency by running 10s - 1000s of models ‘simultaneously’.
2021 Southwest Pacific Ocean swordfish stock assessment
9,300 model runs totalling ~46 months of computation time.
Software containers
Better science
High-throughput computing (HTC)
High-performance computing (HPC)
2024 North Pacific shortfin mako shark assessment: Used HTC resources to complete ~4 months months of Bayesian simulation-estimation evaluations (18,000 model runs using RStan) in ~3 hours (1027 \(\times\) faster) during a working group meeting.
Example: Fitting large spatiotemporal model in R using TMB required 128 CPUs & 1TB RAM.
Available resources
High-throughput computing (HTC)
High-performance computing (HPC)
Photo credit: NOAA
OpenScienceGrid (OSG): OSPool
OpenScienceGrid (OSG)
Both use software containers
Many may already be using containers in existing cloud-based workspaces such as GitHub Codespaces or Posit Workbench
Let’s look at an example (linux-r4ss-v4.def
Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu:20.04
TZ=Etc/UTC && \
ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && \
echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
apt update -y
apt install -y \
tzdata \
curl \
apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
cmake \
g++ \
libssl-dev \
libssh2-1-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
libfontconfig1-dev \
libxml2-dev \
libgit2-dev \
wget \
tar \
coreutils \
gzip \
findutils \
sed \
gdebi-core \
locales \
locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
export R_VERSION=4.4.0
curl -O https://cdn.rstudio.com/r/ubuntu-2004/pkgs/r-${R_VERSION}_1_amd64.deb
gdebi -n r-${R_VERSION}_1_amd64.deb
ln -s /opt/R/${R_VERSION}/bin/R /usr/local/bin/R
ln -s /opt/R/${R_VERSION}/bin/Rscript /usr/local/bin/Rscript
R -e "install.packages('remotes', dependencies=TRUE, repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/')"
R -e "install.packages('data.table', dependencies=TRUE, repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/')"
R -e "install.packages('magrittr', dependencies=TRUE, repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/')"
R -e "install.packages('mvtnorm', dependencies=TRUE, repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/')"
R -e "remotes::install_github('r4ss/r4ss')"
R -e "remotes::install_github('PIFSCstockassessments/ss3diags')"
echo 'export build_date=$NOW' >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
mkdir -p /ss_exe
curl -L -o /ss_exe/ss3_linux https://github.com/nmfs-ost/ss3-source-code/releases/download/v3.30.22.1/ss3_linux
chmod 755 /ss_exe/ss3_linux
export PATH=/ss_exe:$PATH
Author nicholas.ducharme-barth@noaa.gov
Version v0.0.4
This is a Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) container containing Stock Synthesis (version, R (version 4.4.0) and the R packages r4ss, ss3diags, data.table, magrittr, and mvtnorm.
Let’s look at an example (linux-r4ss-v4.def
Build on Linux system with Apptainer installed.
In this case we will use NOAA Hera to conduct a quick retrospective analysis of all models in the Stock Synthesis (SS3) testing suite.
More complete documentation of this example can be found on our GitHub website.
IDE: Develop and make job files/scripts
Note that you will need to replace User.Name with your actual NOAA RDHPCS user name and project_name with your specific Hera project name in the following code.
0. Text file specifying directories to run jobs in.
1. Prepare files for Slurm job execution, specify job requirements and submit the parallel jobs.
# prep files for slurm job execution
mkdir ./logs
dos2unix ./inputs/hera_job_directories.txt
dos2unix ./slurm_scripts/parallel-job-exec.sh
chmod 777 ./slurm_scripts/parallel-job-exec.sh
# make directory structure
# recursively (mkdir -p) makes a new directory for each line in hera_job_directories.txt
xargs -d '\n' mkdir -p -- < ./inputs/hera_job_directories.txt
# Slurm job submission variables
# -A project name
# -t time requested (minutes)
# -q queue type: batch (billed allocation) or windfall
# -N nodes requested (leave at 1 since requesting additional nodes with each line)
# -j number of jobs to run in parallel per node (restricted by number of total CPUs and available RAM)
# seq job ids to run on each node (this can be greater than -j but only -j will be run at a time so the more job ids assigned to the node the longer they will wait to be executed)
sbatch -A project_name -t 60 -q batch -N 1 --wrap 'set -x; parallel -j 30 -S `scontrol show hostnames "$SLURM_JOB_NODELIST"|paste -sd,` `pwd`/slurm_scripts/parallel-job-exec.sh `pwd` ::: `seq 0 29`; report-mem'
sbatch -A project_name -t 60 -q batch -N 1 --wrap 'set -x; parallel -j 30 -S `scontrol show hostnames "$SLURM_JOB_NODELIST"|paste -sd,` `pwd`/slurm_scripts/parallel-job-exec.sh `pwd` ::: `seq 30 59`; report-mem'
sbatch -A project_name -t 60 -q batch -N 1 --wrap 'set -x; parallel -j 30 -S `scontrol show hostnames "$SLURM_JOB_NODELIST"|paste -sd,` `pwd`/slurm_scripts/parallel-job-exec.sh `pwd` ::: `seq 60 89`; report-mem'
2. Define variables to be passed to the software container and a bash wrapper script.
# read directories from a file list
pwd; hostname; date
cd $1
# define current directory
# define paths for singularity container
# define variables and paths here to avoid hard coding insider the wrapper script
# change permissions on scripts to allow it to run
chmod 777 $job_wrapper_script
dos2unix $job_wrapper_script
chmod 777 $r_script
dos2unix $r_script
# run bash wrapper script within singularity environment
singularity exec $singularity_container $job_wrapper_script $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID $dir_file $r_script $input_data_path $r_script_name >& logs/out-parallel.$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
3. Control file I/O to the R script, execute the R script, conduct job timing and package outputs.
echo "Running on host `hostname`"
# rename variables passed into the script
# create an array with all data directories
echo ${line_index}
echo $dir_file
rep_dir=$(sed -n ${line_index}p $dir_file)
echo $rep_dir
# change to target directory
cd ${rep_dir}
# make working directory
mkdir -p working/
cd working/
# copy files to working/
cp $3 .
# define variables for R script
# begin calcs
start=`date +%s`
Rscript $5 $rep_dir $input_data_path
# end of calcs book-keeping
end=`date +%s`
echo $runtime
echo Start $start > runtime.txt
echo End $end >> runtime.txt
echo Runtime $runtime >> runtime.txt
# Create empty file so that it does not mess up when repacking tar
touch End.tar.gz
# only pack up certain items
tar -czf End.tar.gz ss_report.RData runtime.txt
# move tar out of working/
cd ..
mv working/End.tar.gz .
# delete working/
rm -r working/
4. Calculation script modifies SS3 input files, executes SS3 model run and conducts post-processing of output within R.
# where is the job executing
# load packages
# get args from bash environment
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
# get scenario
scenario = tail(strsplit(args[1],"/")[[1]],n=1)
model = strsplit(scenario,"-")[[1]][2]
peel = as.numeric(strsplit(scenario,"-")[[1]][3])
# copy model files
model_files = list.files(paste0(args[2],model,"/"),full.names=TRUE)
# modify starter
tmp_starter = SS_readstarter()
tmp_starter$retro_yr = -peel
# write files
SS_writestarter(tmp_starter, overwrite = TRUE)
# run stock synthesis
# extract model output
ss_report = try(SS_output(dir=getwd()),silent=TRUE)
# save output
Terminal B
scp -o MACs=hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com examples/hera/ss3/upload.example-ss3.tar.gz User.Name@dtn-hera.fairmont.rdhpcs.noaa.gov:/scratch1/NMFS/project_name/User.Name/examples/ss3/
scp -o MACs=hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com apptainer/linux-r4ss-v4.sif User.Name@dtn-hera.fairmont.rdhpcs.noaa.gov:/scratch1/NMFS/project_name/User.Name/examples/ss3/
Documentation of this example using OSG can be found on our GitHub website.
Biggest difference: no shared file system between compute nodes
The example ran 90 jobs (18 test models \(\times\) 5 runs each; base + 4 peels), with only one job ‘timing out’ at 1-hour limit.
\(~\) \(~\)
Excluding the job that timed out the 89 jobs run on Hera completed 3.15 hours of calculations (2.12 minutes per job) in an elapsed time of 14.48 minutes or \(\sim\) 13 \(\times\) faster.
Depletion estimates across retrospective peels from the SS3 testing model suite examples. Mohn’s \(\rho\) values are printed in each panel.
Start and stop time for jobs run on Hera, excluding the job that timed out.
Is this ‘time-savings’ worth it?
Run the same large job array on both OSG and Hera
Build Apptainer container to replicate an identical software environment on both OSG and Hera
Make sure we can run SS3 and R with non-default packages
Using a baseline SS3 file, run 500 alternative models with different fixed parameter values of natural mortality and steepness (uses SS3 and R; r4ss)
Use the delta-MVLN approach to generate uncertainty in predictions so that models can be combined in an ensemble (uses R; ss3diags)
Run 5 retrospective peels (\(t-1\) to \(t-5\)) for each of the 500 models and calculate Mohn’s \(\rho\)
Note: Retrospective peels were treated as separate jobs for the purpose of the benchmark testing giving 3000 unique jobs.
Stock status plots from the model ensemble: A spawning biomass relative to the spawning biomass at MSY, and B fishing mortality relative to the fishing mortality at MSY. The median is showed in the solid line, darker band shows the 50th percentile and lighter band the 80th percentile.
Mohn’s \(\rho\) for alternative parameter combinations of natural mortality (M) and steepness (h). The solid black lines denote the original M (vertical line) and steepness (horizontal line).
All 3000 jobs hit the queue at the same time from a single array job submission and began executing almost immediately
Small fraction of jobs had bad file transfer and had to be relaunched
Total computation time was \(\sim\) 25 days, but elapsed time was \(\sim\) 3.5 hours (166 \(\times\) faster)
Start and stop time for jobs run on OpenScienceGrid (OSG).
Queue and job_array_id limits required multiple (staggered) job submissions
Large proportion of jobs suffered from resource competition during memory/disk intensive portion of SS3 calculations (SD calcs) and produced incomplete outputs.
Note SS3 does not appear to crash/trigger an error when it runs out of memory/disk but instead writes out available output which could appear complete.
Start and stop time for jobs run on NOAA Hera.
The Hera workflow was re-configured to run parallel jobs within 15 compute nodes using the gnu parallel utility1.
All jobs hit the queue at the same time and executed as resources became available within each node.
Each node had 200 jobs allocated to it spread out over 40 CPUs resulting in the \(\sim\) 5 distinct waves of job execution.
Total computation time for 3000 jobs was \(\sim\) 25.5 days, but elapsed time was \(\sim\) 1.75 hours
2998 of 2999 (99.99 %) completed models produced identical output to OSG
Start and stop time for jobs run on NOAA Hera using gnu parallel utility.
We have working proof-of-concept and workflows for both OSG and Hera that can result in substantial time savings
Analyses are portable between computing solutions with minimal modifications to workflows
OSG and Hera have different strengths, weaknesses, and constraints so analysts can choose which may be better suited for different tasks
Is this ‘time-savings’ worth it?
Apply for an RDHPCS account at the Account Information Management (AIM) website (CAC login required).
Request access to a RDHPCS project. First time users can request access to the htc4sa project to test out Hera before requesting their own project allocation.
Run some models!
Thank you to Howard Townsend for helping get the RDHPCS htc4sa project off the ground.
Thank you also to Help Desk staff at both OSG OSPool and NOAA RDHPCS for helping troubleshoot and refine job array workflows using HTCondor and Slurm, respectively.
OSG workflow development and benchmark testing was conducted using services provided by the OSG Consortium (OSG 2006, 2015; Pordes et al. 2007; Sfiligoi et al. 2009), which is supported by the National Science Foundation awards #2030508 and #1836650.
Slide design influenced by Emil Hvitfeldt’s published examples.
nicholas.ducharme-barth at noaa.gov
megumi.oshima at noaa.gov
National Stock Assessment Science Seminar